The chronicle of Louis Carrogis Carmontelle goes back to the early 18th century - an age marked by revolutions and inventions. Amidst all the tussle of revolutions that smothered the entire era, the spurt of art during the age is something that would always need an insight. Louis, the erstwhile artist of this period, was a Frenchman known for his versatile talents and achievements.
Unlike most artists who took a speciality, Louis was an artist, a French Dramatist, a renowned painter, set designer and author. There were few areas Louis didn't assay into. Known for his landscape paintings, he also invented "transparent". His ability to introduce animation into his painting through this method, which he named "décors transparents animés", made him an artistic genius.
While his animation invention indeed distinguished him as an artificer, he even made endless contributions to art and drama. As a landscape artist, Louis's deftness to include almost all types of elements (of that period) starting from antiquity, exoticism, to tombs, and rustic landscapes, was utterly stunning. Not to forget, his versatility impelled him in the field of theatre as well. Other than writing plays himself, he was constructive in inventing a new genre of play: The 'Proverbe Dramatique', a light comical scene to improve theatrical experience.
His contribution was matchless, his ideas unique and his skills dead stunning - a genius worthy of praise for ages.
Unlike most artists who took a speciality, Louis was an artist, a French Dramatist, a renowned painter, set designer and author. There were few areas Louis didn't assay into. Known for his landscape paintings, he also invented "transparent". His ability to introduce animation into his painting through this method, which he named "décors transparents animés", made him an artistic genius.
While his animation invention indeed distinguished him as an artificer, he even made endless contributions to art and drama. As a landscape artist, Louis's deftness to include almost all types of elements (of that period) starting from antiquity, exoticism, to tombs, and rustic landscapes, was utterly stunning. Not to forget, his versatility impelled him in the field of theatre as well. Other than writing plays himself, he was constructive in inventing a new genre of play: The 'Proverbe Dramatique', a light comical scene to improve theatrical experience.
His contribution was matchless, his ideas unique and his skills dead stunning - a genius worthy of praise for ages.
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